All posts by disphoria

Sextortion – Sexual Exploitation On The Rise


This crime is on the rise

In the summer of this year, I was asked to be a guest presenter on Crimewatch.  My topic ‘sextortion’.

Talking about the rise of this internet crime, it dawned on me that this in fact is another ploy to publicly embarrass, victimize and cause destructive stress to victims by using sexual images or videos, but with an added financial gain.

This is the crime that involves extorting money or holding someone to ransom for  financial gain. If your not careful you could easily become a victim! Victims are often caught out by surprise, they think they have befriended someone genuine through social media. This could be via Facebook, or any social media platform. Victims are usually caught out after a brief conversation or after building a very brief but sexual relationship with someone they think is real.  Then when the victim feels comfortable they are coaxed to either talk via a webcam using an online gateway or by using another form of webcam device such as Skype.

I interviewed, Wayne from Scam Survivors on Crimewatch.

Wayne has an interest in online scams/scammers and works on a voluntary basis to help victims get rid of the scammers who have tried to extort them for financial gain. Continue reading Sextortion – Sexual Exploitation On The Rise

SUN CAMPAIGN: Victim speaks out

Revenge porn: Exclusive interview with victim

Sun Exclusive

BRAVELY waiving her right to anonymity, Folami Prehaye tells the Sun how her ex posted explicit images of her online

Folami Prehaye’s bitter ex posted sex pictures of her online that were viewed nearly 50,000 times. Folami, 44, who has waived her right to anonymity, said her life was “turned upside down” by Thomas Samuel’s actions. Continue reading SUN CAMPAIGN: Victim speaks out

My Story

folami-prehaye2Firstly I would like to give my sincere apologies….! The media has its uses but unfortunately they can also take things out of context. I would like to personally apologise to any ‘victims of rape’ if I have offended you. The headline for the article in The Sun Newspaper should have read ‘cyber raped’ as this is how I feel. Cyber raped by people viewing photos of me that I did not consent to allowing them to view 48,0000 times. 

“My life has been completely turned upside down. When Thomas and I took those photos, we were in love and planning on getting married. I sent him one picture and the others he took of me himself. They were for our eyes only and I trusted him to keep them between us. We were in a happy relationship and it never crossed my mind that Thomas would share the pictures publicly and use them against me.When I discovered he’d put them online and they’d been viewed by my family, friends and the people I worked with I felt sick to the stomach. I felt raped, numb and crushed. It was so violating.”

When we first got together I thought ‘wow’ and I told my kids: ‘he’s the one’. I was besotted. We seemed to have so much in common. Continue reading My Story

From the Bristol Evening Post: Revenge porn: Bristol man sentenced after images of ex seen 50,000 times

6967658-large[1]WHEN a community worker posted “revenge porn” featuring an ex-girlfriend online it was viewed almost 50,000 times. A court heard Thomas Samuel set up a spoof profile of his former partner on social networking site Facebook after a bitter break-up and sent links to her family and friends.

The pictures, taken by Samuel during the relationship, were taken down from Facebook within hours but were shared and ended up on pornographic websites. Continue reading From the Bristol Evening Post: Revenge porn: Bristol man sentenced after images of ex seen 50,000 times