Revenge Porn Helpline – Email: 
We are a UK service supporting adults (aged 18+) who are experiencing intimate image abuse, also known as, revenge porn.
The main areas we can help with are:
- Intimate images shared without consent
- Threats to share intimate images
- Images recorded without consent (Voyeurism)
- Webcam blackmail (Sextortion)
- Upskirting
The helpline provides confidential support, advice on how and when to report the crime to the police and practical help with reporting intimate content which has been shared online for removal. We also have partnered with Facebook’s NCII Pilot which using digital hashing technology to prevent intimate images being shared to Facebook and Instagram.
Report Harmful Content
Reporting Harmful Content Online provides information on community standards for all the main social networking sites including how to report harmful content online. Where reports have been made and content not removed, we can mediate, explaining why content hasn’t been removed and providing assistance in removing harmful content from platforms where appropriate.
We can review reports made about the following eight types of online harm:
- Online Abuse
- Bullying or Harassment
- Threats
- Impersonation
- Unwanted Sexual Advances (Not Image Based)
- Violent Content
- Self-Harm or Suicide Content
- Pornographic Content
Contact us on: 0345 6000 459 (currently operating by email only). The Helpline opening hours are: 10 am – 4 pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) or for help with reporting content visit:
Ban Revenge Porn – Email: Twitter: @banrevengeporn
We aim to bridge the gap between criminal law and internet crime. Privacy in the age of the internet is hard to protect but
the law should recognise when a person’s private life is being violated. The act of revenge porn is spiteful and it intends to cause harm, we are therefore pushing for the UK government to legislate to recognise it as a sexual crime. For further information visit
Hypnotherapy Results – Streatham, South London. Tel: 07948874277
Jimi Sayo is a professional clinical hypnotherapist who has been in practice since 2006. Jimi has helped people to overcome anxiety, depression and post traumatic stress disorder. One of her specialities is dealing with the intricacies of relationships and regularly works with both women and men who are looking to move on from past relationships. Although based in London Jimi does therapy via Skype.
For further information visit
Queen Mary Legal Advice Centre – Email: Twitter:@revengepornlaw 
Attached to Queen Mary University in London is the Legal Advice Centre, we provide free legal advice on issues surrounding the distribution of intimate images or videos. We call our revenge porn project SPITE (Sharing and Publishing Images To Embarrass).
When you contact us we initially discuss your case with you on the phone and try and book you in for an appointment. Your appointment will be with two specially trained student advisers who are supervised by a qualified barrister or solicitor who volunteers their time at the Legal Advice Centre. The students will ask you all the relevant questions they need to in order to ascertain the facts and properly research your legal query. We offer both face to face appointments and telephone appointments. Following your appointment the students prepare a letter containing your legal advice which is approved by the supervising barrister or solicitor. This is then sent to you within 14 days working days of your appointment.
We can advise you on the criminal and civil law and where your case falls. We can help you identify any legal remedies you might have available to you. We believe that victims can be empowered through having a better understanding of the law in this area as well as knowing how it specifically relates to their case.
Contact us on: 020 7882 3931 or visit our website: (if you fill in the enquiry form on the website someone will call you back).
Brett Wilson LLP Twitter:@brettwilson Tel: 02071838950
Brett Wilson LLP is a niche London law firm specialising in online harassment , libel and privacy. It has acted for a number of ‘victims of revenge porn’ and is able to take legal action on behalf of individuals seeking the removal of images and, if appropriate, court orders/injunctions and compensation. For further information visit – E-mail:
Is an initiative from the British-American law firm McAllister Olivarius to combat the spreading of people’s intimate images online without their permission. The site offers two streams of information:
- First – self-help tools allowing victims to learn more about revenge porn and what they can do to fight back. These include a guide to local laws, explanations of civil versus criminal claims, a guide to making takedown requests to major sites, and practical steps for regaining control.
- Second – an easy pathway to get tailored legal advice for those who want it.
McAllister Olivarius has been representing victims of image-based sexual abuse and cyber harassment since 2013 at all stages of civil litigation, from early investigation, to cease & desist letters, to filing suit and trial.
Our team are able to operate in the UK and nine US states. We are familiar with the concerns victims commonly face, including those in the LGBTQ+ community and people who have been victimized across international borders. Find out more about McAllister Olivarius’ work by visiting
Bolt Burdon Kemp –
Tel: 020 7288 4800
Bolt Burdon Kemp is a firm of solicitors who specialise in securing compensation for injured people. Our dedicated abuse team brought the first successful claim for compensation in relation to sexting. We have extensive experience in cases relating to image-based sexual abuse.
We are campaigning alongside VOIC for revenge porn to be called and acknowledged for what it is – sexual abuse. Too often survivors are faced with police officers who haven’t been properly trained to understand the issues; websites which are hard to contact to get the content removed; and social stigma that it’s somehow the victim’s fault this happened to them.
We understand that when faced with all this, it is hard to know where to turn, who can help, or even what your options may be. Our solicitors will work with you to help find the right options for you.
You can contact us for more information about how the law can help you get justice by visiting