My Lonely Walk As a Survivor of Revenge Porn

For those following my journey, I feel that at times I need to tell you how I feel.

LonleyThis has been a very lonely journey and at times I feel frustrated, disappointed but really not surprised to be honest. I have been helping other victims since becoming a victim of Revenge Porn in 2014, which is over a year ago and long before the Revenge Porn Helpline or the new Revenge Porn Law came into fruition.

Its alarming how those who claim to be fighting the same cause, ‘raising awareness of revenge porn’; ‘those who provide support & advice to victims of revenge porn’ deem to do so alone. I have tried to reach out to victims who speak out publicly (by the way there aren’t many) and other agencies to work in partnership against this heinous, sole destroying and destructive crime.  To date this proves to be a battle – just like battling my fears when I was a victim of revenge porn.

Now a survivor I feel that I have made my stance clear!

I do this because I care, because I’m passionate and no longer want to be a victim but to take control of my life. I do this because I want others to see that even though life can be painful and people are cruel, vindictive and hurtful. You can rebuild your life.

This for me is a journey, I am not doing this because, the government has given me charitable funds to collate statistics or to become famous because I appear on TV.

This is real, I am real but at times I wonder if this ‘revenge porn journey’ has been hijacked by the government and the media.

Its hard working in silo; when all you want to do is ‘uplift, encourage, support, be a role model for, raise awareness of and most of all ‘speak out for those who find they cannot speak out for themselves’.

I am a spokesperson, a mother, a carer who wants to make a difference but it seems that no one shares my vision or my passion and at times I feel very deflated but I continue on my path and my journey.

I’m humble enough to know I’m not better than anybody. but I’m also wise enough to know that I’m different from the rest.

I hope that one day this will change; I hope that one day victims will become strong enough to walk with me, to stand up and speak out as a collective and support each other emotionally. It’s not about what happens in your life that has affected you and has caused you distress’, it’s about what you do about it that is the biggest challenge and lesson’.



